Although sharing the way I see via photos is satisfying, the things I make with my hands are more satisfying. Satisfaction comes from "process" and making tangible expressions of thought. For me, 3-D allows for a more integrated vision. The psychology of my 3-D work is usually obvious. Sometimes, it's just fun. Life is often hard; humor creates balance.

Homage to Tools

Needle Close Up

This piece started as a coil of wire in the middle of the road, a few yanks, a bit of soldier and it emerged from its cocoon.
Appx 14" x 13"
Jetson Lamp
This insulator so mimicked the the compact florescent shape that I couldn't resist making a lamp.
8.5"x 5.5"

Sometimes a Dust Pan is Just a Dust Pan '05
A design teacher once said to our class, “I think nature only made a few designs and kept recycling them.” Perhaps Industry falls into the same patterns

Key Hole Box '00
These keyholes were found at the Wellfleet dump and lent themselves to the idea of voyeurism.
17.5" x 7" x 6"

Bye Lines '05
A clothesline is a simple, energy-efficient tool that makes the world a better place, as does Seven Days, a weekly newspaper in Burlington, Vermont.
• Lines that communicate
• Airing out clothes, ideas, political opinions
• “Hanging out the dirty laundry”
• Images and insights about community
• Routines of life - mowing the lawn, laundry and Seven Days
Alright, alright, maybe there’s no point, and I’m simply playing with metaphors because I love the look of laundry hanging on the clothesline, the fragrance, the knowledge of others living close by going about their daily lives
“Bye Lines” because it is getting rarer to see laundry hanging out (in some places it’s prohibited). I wonder what’s been lost and what’s been gained.
37” x 10 - 20”

Cubist Self Portrait 2
This is a replacement piece ‘06.
The idea of self portrait seemed simple at first. But honestly, I think no real self could ever be shown. We hardly see ourselves. Glimpses of facets are all we see. Add to this, any self I try to show to you is interpreted through you.
You can’t totally see me, I can’t really see myself.
What you do see as you peer into this frame, are bits of a person who if looking at me creates me into an image. This image is made possible only by the integrating act of viewing, but it is always incomplete. We are all wonderfully faceted, layered, complex, integrated puzzles of plasm
10 5/8 x 12 5/8

Found Object '04
Many of Marcel Duchamps words on art resonate for me. This latch was in the Wellfleet MA dump, along with many other treasures. I liked the clean modern sculptural lines. It could be the symbol of humanness
9 3/8” x 11 3/8”

Bride & Groom
The bride in this dipstick couple is a bit ambivalent.

The cement base anchors the waving dipsticks.
Love Hurts
This strip of coil nail, practically made itself into a heart.

Outside the Box '08
This evolved from a comment, to which I replied,
"I didn't know there was a box until I was 45 years old."
38" x 20" x 20.5"

Pink Torso '08
A found object and paint.
32" x 14" x 13"
Vent Light
This dryer vent hose makes a fun flexible light. I like changing the shape.

Gus and Gurt Clocks
Gurt is a portrait of Gertrude Stein, by Picasso.
Gus is based on a painting by Henri Matisse.

