Other Work
Diptych, triptych, multi - images, chairs and cut-outs don't fit into my tidy categories.

Diptych Assembled '06
These are part of a watercolor paintbox
appx 38" x 28"

Sea Triptych A '03
This was taken midday of the waters off Ocho Rios, Jamaica. These can no longer be exactly reproduced. Detecting the reasons why took me a long time. I am caught between the changing film, paper; other new development technologies. Unfortunately, I can no longer get optical 20x30 copies, and the digital reproductions don't faithfully reproduce the original image, but I keep trying.
60" x 28"

Early Morning Blue 1 2 3
This triptych captures snow in the dawn hours..
Blue Bunny '11
This is a fine example of 3-D to 2-D to 3-D, and the rusty bolts are real

Dali's Moustache '01
This photo often elicits a double-take

Flat Reality ' 06
This photo was taken in Montana. I like the real/fake/real/fakeness of this image.

Civil Union II '04
This 4 x 6 photo and it's male equivalent is a celebration of the respectful attitude in Vermont for the individual.

BEAUTY ('04) and COURAGE ('06)
The subject of beauty has long fascinated me. As a scabby kneed girl with dandelion fluff hair, I remember trying to be “pretty”. The new Tonette didn’t work, (I did get an amazing afro though). The “Beauty Parlor” was a fraud; finger waves didn’t make me pretty. When I developed breasts, I got something but it wasn’t ‘pretty’. Just a whole new set of questions. Somehow I think it is all connected ultimately with being loved, for exactly who/how we are. Doesn’t it get mucky, the confusion and fun of lust and love? Aging brings on another set of questions. My current thought is that we’re often beautiful……. and it varies. And what about cultural standards?
*See Larger Works
43" x 59"

Chair 5 330
Soda Chair 1 337
Soda Chair 2 338

Couple Mask

The Mac Truck Dog Cutout

Faux Tray Cutout

Treads of Time
These treads belongs to both of my grandmothers. One was a slik weaver and the other was amazingly creative.